Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Out with the Old, In with the New

We live in an era where being up-to-date defines status in the human hierarchy. People find more credibility and trust on institutions, hospitals, government offices and the like using the latest technology be it for simple customer service or for diagnosing one's health.

It's the latest so far here in Iloilo City: The Siemens SOMATOM Definition AS CT Scanner
The hospital where I am presently working is in the process of restructuring itself so as to resemble that of her mother hospital in Manila. The hospital, all together with it's doctors, nurses and other staff, have been working hand-in-hand to reach the goal of becoming the best in the region.Thus, they use the lastest possible gadgets and health care delivery system in dealing with their clients. 

I must say the first time I worked at this hospital, everything about what I had learned before as a student in our university suddenly crumbled to pieces. It's not that I'm not proud of where I came from and the hospital where we were trained, but this is just the "ideal" setting so to speak.

Below is a picture of a Siemens CT Scanner that we presently use in our hospital. If I'm not mistaken, the hospital takes pride in owning this doll for it's the first in Western Visayas. It can make 128 slices in 5 to 10 seconds. 

Uses voice-recorded instructions depending on client's primary language
Not only does it relieve anxiety and perhaps fear for claustrophobics, it also saves a lot of time and energy. Also, this techie machine uses voice-recorded instructions in different languages. All you have to do is press the button for the language of your choice.


  1. good posting about Out with the Old, In with the New

  2. Nice post with some even nice pics. Thanx for sharing.

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