With the advent of technology, people experience a higher
and meaningful sense of living. The latest discoveries in the world of
computers and other high technology gadgets have convinced us that indeed, man
has soared far and high from his previous state of living wandering as nomads.
Today, we live in a world where nothing seems to be impossible considering that
what mathematicians, physicists and scientists believed before could never exist,
now exists in our new world.
However, man’s hunger for discoveries has led him to
continue his quest without further considering its consequences. There are
always consequences to every action made, and pollution, floods, global warming
and catastrophes have been its deleterious effects. Thus, many people have now
taken steps in making a conscientious effort of restoring if not, preserving
what we already have and enjoy.
With the issues on global warming, several sectors have made
certain feasible plans as to reducing the amount of carbon emission to the
atmosphere. Many countries have begun their campaign towards a greener
environment and with this in mind, they advocated the use of electronic
transportations, use of solar panels to run their households and even the use
of manure to serve as energy.